We can now ship products at warp speed
August 28, 2024
Unless you're not a developer, or a developer living under a rock, you've probably heard of Cursor.
It's a VS Code clone with seamless AI integrated.
I've been using it over the past few days and it has blown my mind. It's like having the world's fastest, most intelligent pair-programming buddy a click away.
The way we will ship product MVPs just changed forever. Instead of months, it will take weeks, hell - even days to go from idea to a functional app.
This is where we, as developers need to stay ahead of the curve. I don't see AI building a full product MVP anytime soon (that will happen, however), AI still needs input and tweaking.
This is what software development will become. As developers, we will become agents working with AI to ship products.
What took years to build a decade ago, started taking months before AI, now will take weeks or days.
Soon, long gone will be the days of endless project timelines and scopes.
I, for one, welcome our new programming buddies.