Ryan Durney

Fantasy Portfolio

I am an award-winning, full-time, freelance illustrator focusing on children's books, fantasy, and science fiction as well as prehistoric subjects. I have been hired professionally in all of those arenas.

I use inks, paints and digital techniques to create a unique look. One review described my work as "pearlescent." My images are always straddling the fence between something classic and something that feels altogether new. Many recent projects mix medieval and Victorian influences with modern illustrative thinking.

I have been a featured illustrator of over 36 issues of ODYSSEY Magazine, and was the sole illustrator chosen for their retrospective sci-fi collection.

I've garnered several awards for my work, including many international competitions such as Best of Fantasy, Society of Illustrators West #45, as well as a Mom's Choice Award in 2011, 2012 and 2016. My work for "Princess Willow & the Magic Fairy Brush" won Creative Child Magazine's Product of the Year: 2016. All-in-all, though, I count being voted in by the kids for a Children's Choice Award as my favorite recognition.

I am also a published author of nonfiction children's books as well as fiction.

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