November 25, 2024
Great morning to worship the Lord and listen to His Word be preached.
Afterwords, my parents and I went back to Bennington to have some amazing grilled cheese and tomato soup. Talk about a killer fall lunch!!
Was able to help my dad around the house some with some tasks that got the house more ready for the quickly approaching winter season. Hung out some with Piper, our fam's mini-golden doodle, and man she's such a twerp and a goofball.
Went back home later in the late afternoon/early evening and got to hammering things away. Worked on studying for an exam I have at 8 AM tomorrow morning for a few hours. Then put an hour into Shayk clubs data.
Feeling like trash from this sickness comes and goes. When it goes- awesome. When it comes back- dangit, hell's back.