
November 14, 2024

FULL day today.

Started the day early with my MKT research class.

Then worked on some of the end-of-class project with Ela. While working on this, got an email that thankfully reminded me that we had an in-person Shayk team meeting going down in a little under an hour. I had it on my outlook but forgot to transfer it to my paper/primary calender.

Meeting went solid. Talked through a ton, ton of things. Getting closer daily. We have done well at staying tight on what we want to do. We started this whole thing with a wide scope and then have narrowed down since then, which is a very good approach to creation.

Take this and use in any area of life honestly- it's better to brain dump everything, even TOO much and then edit down. Better to edit down from too much than to have too little and need to come up with more later down the road.

Entrepreneurship Club went super great. We had the IP Law Society come in and speak. They were from right across Creighton's mall in the Law School. They share *NOT LEGAL ADVICE* but were able to share some great educational content when it comes to copyrights, trademarks, patents, and everything in between.

After this, I went with Michael to the Skutt Ballroom where the Creighton Gaming Club was having their big event. I've stopped by once before, sophomore year I think is when I did last. They had tons of games set up all over the space. They had a sweet giveaway with some nice stuff. I played two matches of an old FIFA game and sadly lost both. I'm scuffed in soccer games lol.

I then went home and immediately fell asleep. I didn't even eat dinner. I then proceeded to get 12 hours of sleep. Super unfortunately, it wasn't good sleep but at least I got a bunch of it. Been fighting this sickness for like 2 weeks now.

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