October 30, 2024
Big election a week from today.
Looking at all the polls, early voting, and mail ins- this is going to be interesting.
What is so frustrating about our elections over arching is that there is election interference. And if you disagree with that claim, you are simply incorrect. I heard this the other day and it is true. If there is even ONE! One singular case of a miscounted vote, lost mail in ballot, vote cast by someone saying they are someone they are not (which can happen in many states) (not so fun fact: only 10 states have strict photo-ID laws in order to vote) - then there is interference. And if it can happen once, it can happen more than that.
I have a big test tomorrow. Hopefully that goes well.
ENT Club progress today. Met with the president of the IP Club in the Law School and we are going to work on a partnership where they come in and talk to us and share their expertise in their realm.
In other ENT news, working on the behind-the-scenes like funding, social media strategies, getting started on Jaytank already and more.
Vulnerable note - I need to be successful. It physically hurts me sometimes because I feel stuck or trapped in my limited successes and progress. I think this is why I feel as though I need be doing so much all the time. Maybe there's a false assumption that I have that the more I do the more success it will bring. It is false however.