October 24, 2024
Worked on an under-the-radar project for a decent amount of time today. Met with a great professor to talk about the premise and pick his brain and listen to all he had to share.
Also attended a meeting for the Applied AI Club this evening. We talked about a few different directions and projects we could work on as a club. Cool things I believe will come from this
Lastly, finalizing of the Shayk pitch deck is imminent. Prepping and ready for a design retreat tomorrow all afternoon into the evening.
Positive talk here - things are moving how they should, at the speed they are, for this whole thing to be successful and make it big time.
Side note - met the PVF Omaha Supernova's President today. Very nice woman with a very interesting career journey. Worked on a lot of different things and positively affected all the things she has been a part of.