
January 04, 2025

I love sudoku.

I found an old sudoku book in my room at my parents and I have rekindled my love for the simple numbers brain game.


I created "Catch All" where literally anything and everything can go there. It will likely be random and truly be a dump of things from my liking, my life, etc.

I worked on Shayk for a few hours, reading through our blogs that will go up on our site, making sure they sound good, no errors, and that the layout is good too.

I went to the gym later in the evening to do some stretching, functional lifts, stairs, and sauna.

For the functional lifts I did kettle bell carries again but today I also added weighted ball slams and belted sled pulls. Hard sets of abs were also completed.

I did 20 minutes of stairs and then hit the sauna. I brought the sudoku book in there and that made the time fly by. It makes completing it much more difficult because you are really hot and really sweaty and trying to focus on numbers and patters- that's tough. I completed 3 in my 20 minute sauna session and it went by real fast which was nice.

After that I quick ran home to take a 2 minute clean up shower because I couldn't go pick up the food I had ordered for pick up looking how I was. I had sweat through my clothes very intensely. I decided to indulge on some sushi from Blue Sushi.

The rest of the night was laying low. I played a competitive CS:GO game and won it handily (!) and watched Youtube.

Nothing too much else to report.

Took Piper for our nightly late night walk.

Working slowly but daily on my fun little project.

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