January 30, 2025
Today was an incredible day.
Talk. About. Full.
Started it off early with 1 Million Cups. It was a great time listening to some things going on w/in the Omaha entrepreneurship scene. I got to meet the new team that puts on 1MC now since the old team has phased out since the last time I have been.
From there, Sophia and I went to Dundee Bank to drop off a thank you card and our giving engagements packet.
After that I made myself my go-to lunch as of late and it was amazing... yet again!
Also watched just the beginning of the new Kill Tony w/ 3 out of the 4 guys on Protect Our Parks. So funny. Shane Gillis might be funniest dude out right now.
After this, I went into my graphic design and today we did a project critique day and went through the projects as a class. Mine showed well and only had one point that was recommended to change and fix.
Then came the hardest school thing of the day. In BIA 330 I had a quiz and it was the first quiz of the course. The first quiz and test are so tough because you don't the standard or how things are going to look. Surprissingly I think I did real solid on it. Looks like that can happen when I actually read the book and work hard on studying for it some.
Then I hit the road for my ENT capstone class. Carpooled w/ Sophia and Cat. We went to the Yates Illuminates space. It is a social entrepreneurship space and hub. Was really cool to check out and hear all that the different groups were doing.
Timing was cutting it close but made it back in time to gather folks up for the shuttle over to Millwork Commons. Today the entrepreneurship club hit the road for the first time.
And it was a massive success. We had over 20 people come and check out, tour, listen to, and ask questions to amazing founders and companies here in Omaha with reaches far beyond the Nebraska state lines.
We had Pitch Pizza, talked with Workshop, checked out Alpaca, and then ended with Coneflower Creamery.
Amazing event.
The ENT Club is seriously catching its stride veryyy strong and veryyy fast. Amazing to see all the many, many hours of hard work pay off some.
Then worked on club stuff w/ Sophia for a few more hours.
Crazy good day.
Here is the link to today's video