
January 25, 2025

Today was one of the best day's of the entrepreneurship club at Creighton.

We hosted our first Founder's Friday and it was a huge success.

We had over a dozen students who showed up with their companies/ideas and we talked about, shared them, problem sized some, and worked. 11/10 rating for this first Founder's Friday

After this, some members of exec and faculty got together and grinded on Jaytank details and things surrounding it.

Today was a huge Jaytank working and thinking day.

Had a SHAYK team meeting that went well after that.

I was super tired after all of this so laid down for a little rest.

From there, I had to head back to campus to go in and view a art gallery exhibit that had a reception and opening tonight. It was alright. Art is weird though. It's so subjective.

I got a haircut from my guy Mael again and he got me right. Went real tight the hair and fade and I'm looking forward to it growing in super nice.

Was great to chop it up w/ him and his roommates as they were all in my RSP that I was decurion of.

After that, I went for a walk to get some steps in. It was a fairly nice since there wasn't much wind. Keeping your hands in your coat's pockets and a hat and you would be just fine.

After that I made my stellar, typical dinner and watched some Youtube.

From there, I worked on some Jaytank donation/sponsor info gathering and also wrote an email for some SHAYK stuff.

Beyond that, finished the night playing some Marvel Rivals with Michael, his gf, and John.

Here's the link to today's video


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