More Thoughts on "Intentionalism"
November 20, 2024
Evidently, Intentionalism has its own meaning in the world of philosophy, but my meaning is separate. I'm using the term "Intentional" to refer to making conscious choices that lead to a happier, more fulfilled life. My hope with defining Intentionalism is that it can be used to describe lifestyle choices like minimalism but also health-conscious choices or more general conscious decisions on being happy.
I've enjoyed several books on making a concerted effort to shape your lifestyle such as "Atomic Habits" and "The Happiness Project", as well as, I regularly consume content about Sustainability and Minimalism on YouTube. Both of these latter topics have birthed half-hearted self-descriptors such as "minimal-ish" or "sort-of zero waste" that I feel erode the importance of those goals.
I will strive to define Intentionalism more as I move forward, but the general pretences are these:
- Whatever the goal or ideal, Intentionalists strive to reach that, without the feeling of failure if they cannot be perfect.
- Being intentional about your choices leads to either better outcomes or a greater variety of paths to choose.
- Humans by nature may struggle to become the kind of person we wish to be, but it is more important to make choices that align with the intent than it is to punish the ones that fail to do so.
- The world is not ready for you to accomplish perfect completion of your tasks and capitalism will probably get in your way. It is not your job to fight against it, but simply to do your best and advocate for the rest. (thanks Shelbizlee on YT).
I'm sure there will be more ideals in the future (and I'm sure I'll find more succint ways of explaining them), but for now I wanted to follow my own intentions and get my ideas down rather than worrying about being a perfect example. As more ideas come, I intend to write more on the topic.
Try using that phrasing yourself by stating a goal that feels unlikely to be perfectly achievable, but that you could put your best foot forward and dedicate your intentions to.
"I intend to...
... lead a zero waste life."
... become a published novelist."
... remain active and improve my health."
... reduce clutter and be a minimalist."
I'd love to hear your intention. Think about things that you can do to achieve that intention and also what you will do when you think you have "failed" to continue striving for your goal.