How to build a bridge

August 19, 2024

What do you need to build a bridge between your organization and its stakeholders? You’d never build a real bridge without considering where to build it, why you need it, what materials to use, and the tools and resources you'll need to make it a successful project.

First, you need to know where you’re going. This is generally expressed in your vision statement, and more specifically detailed in each of the clear goals of your business plan or mandate. 

One of the beautiful bridges connecting the Lower Mainland
One of the beautiful bridges connecting the Lower Mainland's north shore to the city centre.

Next, you need to do an environmental scan, based on existing or new research into the audience, operating environment and issues:

  • Who can help you reach your goals?
    Make a big, comprehensive list - who wants to know, who needs to know, and who might like to know. You’ll prioritize them later. 
  • What do they already know?
  • Are there opportunities or barriers you need to consider?
  • Is there previous research available on the target audiences or issue?
  • Where do your key audiences get their information?
  • What specific attributes and beliefs do audiences have?
  • Who do they trust to provide it?
  • Which messages will be most effective?
  • What specific communications outcomes are you hoping to achieve?
  • What resources do you have to execute the plan? What will you do to get them if you don't have them?
  • How will you know you’ve succeeded, and when will you know?

Once you have the answers to these questions, based on quantitative and qualitative research, a talented communications professional can select the right objectives, messages, channels, tactics, resources and metrics to effectively execute a communications plan and - more importantly - measure shifts in attitudes, awareness, understanding or actions.

When you want to build a bridge, hire a good engineer with the right team and tools to do it.

When you want to reach your stakeholders, bring your whole organization together and build a communications strategy with a skilled PR practitioner to guide you. 

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